Name: Papula
ID # RT20231217-3
Estimated Age: July 17, 2021
Sex: Spayed Female
Estimated Breed: Anatolian Mix
Weight: Unknown
Good with Dogs: Unknown
Good with Cats: Unknown
Good with Children: Unknown
Special/Medical Needs: Was likely hit by a car and has damage in her hind end
Estimated Energy Level: Unknown
Current Location: Incoming in May
Papula was another one of Animals of Kurdistans victims of neglect. When she first arrived with us she was so submissive she would wet herself if we looked in her direction. Papula appears to have possibly been hit by a car at some point which has caused spinal and bac leg damage so she is unable to stand straight but she is definitely able to get around. In the few months she has been with us she has blossomed, she has gained weight and is no longer the skin and bone dog she was the day she arrived, her mange has gone and she has grown beautiful hair. Papula is very vocal and craves love and attention all the time, she is still very submissive but she also actively asks for love and attention. Paupla is going to be an amazing pet for the right person.