Foster Home Secured
Name: Idha
ID # RT20231217-2
Estimated Age: July 7, 2021
Sex: Spayed Female
Estimated Breed: Rafeiro Do Alentejo Mix
Weight: Unknown
Good with Dogs: Unknown
Good with Cats: Unknown
Good with Children: Unknown
Special/Medical Needs: Idha is blind in one eye.
Estimated Energy Level: Unknown
Current Location: Incoming in May
Idha was rescued from a situation of neglect at the Animals of Kurdistan shelter. On the day she came to us we noted that she was not only severely emaciated and riddled with sarcoptic mange but she was also blind with completely non viable eyes and was at first thought to be deaf as well. Thankfully she responded to treatment for her mange but mentally she has been difficult. She was completely non responsive for many weeks after her rescue but in time she started to relax a little. She has a kennel mate, Papula but sadly the shelter environment is just too stressful for her and she spends all of her time hidden in the back of her kennel. We feel that underneath her fear Idha has a sweet personality and longs to be loved, she is just going to need time and patience to understand that not all people are bad and there is in fact a wonderful life ahead of her.