ID#: A281955
Estimated Age: 2 yrs.
Sex: Male
Estimated Breed: Border Collie X
Weight: 45 lbs.
Good with dogs: Yes with appropriate introductions when off leash, may have leash reactivity
Good with cats: Not Tested
Good with children: Not Tested,
Special/Medical Needs:
Estimated Energy Level:
Current Location: Solano California arriving June 17th
Logan came in as a stray. He is about 2 years old and has no chip and no obvious signs of injury or illness.
He comes to the front of the kennel, is easy to leash, and pulls slightly on leash. He interacted with all the new people in the room. When he was brought to a small field he engaged in play. During back strokes and head pats he moved in for more interaction. He was found running loose with 3 other small dogs.
Logan potentially has leash reactivity. When he was leashed around another dog he became frustrated with the interaction; more dog to dog training is required. Recommend a single dog home.
If you are interested in fostering this dog, please fill out an application.
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