ID#: A279187
Estimated Birth Date: March 1, 2016
Sex: Spayed Female
Estimated Breed: Mastiff
Good with dogs: Yes with appropriate introductions
Good with cats: Not Tested
Good with children: Not Tested
Special/Medical Needs:
Estimated Energy Level:
Current Location: Solano California arriving June 17th
Adrianne was calm and quiet, sitting at the front of her kennel. She was head-shy when leashing but approached willingly and gently after several seconds. She is very affectionate but needs time to warm up to new people. She was much more confident and comfortable with handler in outdoor environment for this second assessment. She did not appear bothered by rain and wind. Easy to walk on leash in yard, preferred to remain close to trainer even when exploring the yard.
She had an appropriate, calm greeting with tester dog; appeared disinterested at first but then engaged in several brief sessions of calm sniffing before disengaging. After several minutes, she appeared more curious of tester dog, became more confident and "bouncy" around second handler with tester dog. There was improvement in handling and sociability and she would readily seek petting and affection.